Monday, March 3, 2008


On Saturday we went as a training group tp visit Iximche, the first capital of Guatemala when the Spanish showed up. It is this giant ruined Mayan city and it was beautiful! It was the first time we have really done anything tourist-y. It was also fun to all do something together because we don't get to hang out a whole lot.
We had a ceremony with a Mayan Priest, it was really pretty. They burn different things depending on what kind of ceremony it is (I think we got a general luck/wish ceremony). We all went around and talked about things we hoped for during our time in Guatemala. The priest told us that everyone is connected and nobody is here by accident. Being in Guatemala is part of our destiny. It was a pretty good message.
Before, I was really anxious about a lot of things here. We find out our sites today and a lot of people are freaking out. The ceremony helped me a little though. I'm not going to speculate on the Mayan connection to God, but being there with all the volunteers in such a beautiful place talking about out dreams was really comforting.

We find out our sites today, I'll keep you posted. We also get to have pizza lunch with the U.S. Ambassador, so its a pretty big day. I'll keep you posted!

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