Hey friends!
Just a quick hello to say I made it through another week here. We are 3 weeks in and I am feeling a bit homesick (send me stuff!) but I will make it through. I am used to having so much supportive family and friends around me that being here away from you is a but of an adjustment. My family is really great though and I have lots of support from Peace Corps staff. We also visited the school we are working in during training and the kids were really sweet, I think it will be good.
The other good news is that I haven't gotten sick yet. Well, thats not exactly true but everyone gets a little bit sick from changes in eating habits and everything. I haven't eaten anything I don't like yet. We get lots of beans and tortillas with every meal. For breakfast I usually get cornflakes which is nice. They make lots of great soups and stews here (called a "caldo"is I remember right) and have lots of new fruits and vegetables. GIANT papayas, its almost mango season and those are huge too, HUGE avacados, Yuca, Quisquil (kind of potatoe-ey), and other things that are harder to describe.
On Saturday I got to go to a "boda"- wedding (not as fun as it sounds). It was Catholic and pretty serious but an interesting change from the norm in the US. On Sunday we went to the birthday party of one of Jaime's sisters and that was interesting too. It is awkward party x 1000 because not only do I not know anyone...but I also only understand about half the people that even try to talk to me and also I am automatically strange looking because I look different than just about everyone here. It was fun though and his family was really nice...the food was good too, it was beef and chicken in some kind of tomato sauce called "estofada." Jaime also said that he will take me to the volcano soon and if I get it approved I get to go to the beach next month with the fam!
Another funny story (and then I should quit being selfish and let someone else get on here)...On Sunday morning I was sitting at home and I heard a knock on the door. Normally I avoid answering but nobody else was around so I answered it and there was a man outside in a suit. It turns out he was a Jehovah's Witness missionary from San Francisco. Imagine his surprise when a blonde girl answered the door in Alotenango! He said he didn't know there were white people that spoke English there. I talked to him for a moment, but he tried to make it sound like we were on the same team (I happen to be of the opinion that door-to-door evangelism is a little different than working in school health programs) and I told him my family wasn't home and I would let them know he stopped by. It was a little awkward, I don't think I'll answer the door again=).
I also got a new address. The office is moving. Mail will still get to me at the old address for awhile but this one is for the futurë:
Andrea Stanaway
a/c Cuerpo de Paz Guatemala (Peace Corps)
Apartada Postal 66
Antigua, Sacatepequez
Guatemala, America Central
I miss you...write to me...call me...you can get my number from the folks!
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