Here is a picture of the Volcan de Fuego (the active one)'s the view from the other side of my rooftop!
Here is Christian riding his moticicleta in the main hallway/courtyard of the house! If you look closely you can see Aura and Andreita in the background!
This is the Spanish class in front of the Volcano. This was taken on top of Melanie's house on the other side of town. We have been having Spanish classes there this week! That is all for now, I have to take the camionets right back to town from Santa Lucia. Love you guys! Write to me pleeeease! You can also call me, let me know if you want my phone number and I can e-mail it to you!
Andi. LOVE the pictures. Makes you feel close. Great room you have. By the way, mail is on the way but I'm not sure how long it will take to get there. Once we get going maybe it will come on a regular basis. So, who aren't you hearing from and they will get a call from me! Love, Mom
ANDREA! Sweet pictures! I think I will have to climb that volcano whan I come o visit! Talk to you soon, Jason
ANDI! I'm not sure where to leave comments at... but i just wanted to let you know i love your blog! It is so much fun learning about everything going on and that you're having such a great time, i'm so happy for you! What a blessing to get to go to another country and experience something so amazing. I'm so proud of you! :-) Love the pictures too, keep sharing them! :)
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